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If you just don't have the time to participate in person, we can always use monetary support. Please give what you can to help us protect Anderson Valley in its times of need.

You can send us a check, made payable to AVVFFA, and mail it to

AVVFFA • PO Box 414 • Boonville, CA 95415

or via PayPal



if you donate using the PayPal link please consider adding 3% to cover the cost of their services.

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Every year we host a Toy Drive for the kids in the Valley. The toys are collected throughout November and distributed at the first Food Bank in December. This year that will be December 9th at the Boonville Fire Station.


If you'd like to donate an unwrapped toy, ages 0-12, valued around $10-$15, you can drop them off at any of these 4 locations until December 8th-

The Yorkville Post Office, Anderson Valley Market, the Farmhouse Mercantile, the Boonville Fire Station, or Lemon's Market.


If you don't have the time to shop for that toy, we also purchase items to fill in the age and gender gaps. You can donate here.


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Please take a look at all we've been doing recently.

Contact us if you'd like more information.

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